雕塑办 雕塑学会 雕塑公园 ENGLISH 한국어 русский

Maui the betrayal


Maui is a very famous god from the pacific islands. He is the god who fished up the north island of New Zealand and he made the days longer by slowing down the sun. My sculpture depicts this god and his small friend, the fantail who, during one adventure betrayed Maui.

The story goes that for the benefit of man-kind, Maui wanted to learn how to live forever by tricking the Maori goddess of death “Hine-Nui Te Po (the woman of the long night). To do this he had to be reborn through the mouth of the goddess. So he approached the deep cave where she slept, with his friend the fantail.

As he entered the cave he transformed himself into a lizard to make himself small and quiet. He had to enter between “Hine-Nui Te Po’s” legs and out her mouth, to live forever. However as Maui approach the opening, his friend became very excited and began to sing his song. This song awoke the sleeping goddess. She saw the lizard between her legs and she closed them, crushing him to death. This is the story of how the fantail betrayed Maui.


